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Using essential oils for a massage can do wonders for the mind and body. The scents themselves provide an instant relaxation effect, which is why are widely used in Aromatherapy. They help soothe the senses and alleviate stress, while their therapeutic properties penetrate the skin, easing muscle tension and promoting overall well-being.

When essential oils are combined with relaxing massage techniques, you’ll feel recharged, rejuvenated, and refreshed. While there are dozens of oils and combinations that benefit the body in different ways, some are considered to be the best essential oils for a massage. Let’s go through each so you’ll know which one will work best for you on your next trip to the spa!

Best Essential Oils for Massage

Each essential oil provides its own unique benefits. Some are calming, some are energizing, and some are great for helping ease headaches, congestion, and other health issues. Some oils have therapeutic effects that help enhance the benefits of a massage. Here are the best massage oils:


One of the most popular and widely used essential oils is lavender. Known for its sweet, calming, and refreshing scent, lavender is an adaptogenic or balancing oil, meaning it does what the body needs it to do. It is commonly used in massages because it’s excellent at calming the mind, soothing sore muscles, boosting energy levels, and relieving pain, stress, and tension.


Aside from its strong floral aroma, geranium oil is known for many things. It has antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties that help treat acne, cuts, wounds, dermatitis, eczema, and other skin issues. It also supports healthy circulation and nervous system functions. When it comes to massages, geranium oil acts as an astringent that refreshes the skin, on top of helping relieve anxiety, stress, and tension.


Eucalyptus is another ideal massage oil. While it is known to help ease sore throat and nasal congestion, it also has anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties that help relieve muscle tension and soreness as well as soothe tired skin. On top of that, the scent of eucalyptus oil is calming and uplifting, which leads to better focus and mental clarity.


Known for its cooling and refreshing properties, peppermint oil contains menthol, which has natural analgesic properties. This helps with pain and muscle tension relief. It also has anti-inflammatory properties that help target areas with inflammation during a massage, reducing swelling and discomfort.


Rosemary oil is known for its invigorating scent and therapeutic benefits which makes it an excellent massage oil. It promotes relaxation and alleviates muscle soreness. More importantly, its powerful antioxidants help fight oxidative stress in the body which makes it helpful in the recovery process after physical exertion.


Frankincense, which has a sweet and earthy aroma, has been used since ancient times to help relieve respiratory diseases like colds and coughs. It is a grounding and relaxing oil that helps ease anxiety and stress while boosting the immune system. Additionally, It helps to reduce stretch marks and acne scars, leaving the skin smooth and refreshed after a massage.


Bergamot is a versatile essential oil that has a spicy citrus aroma. It is best known to improve mood and relieve anxiety but it is also excellent for treating skin conditions such as acne, minor cuts and wounds because of its antiseptic properties. It’s an excellent massage oil because it calms the mind and soothes the skin.


You’re probably familiar with the sweet and citrusy scent of lemon essential oil. Lemon oil is an excellent skin tonic,that’s why it is often used in various skin care products. Aside from its numerous skin benefits, this popular oil is also known to help boost the immune system and increase blood circulation, leaving you refreshed and energized after a massage.


Last but not the least, another essential oil you should try to use for your massage is sandalwood. It has a unique fragrance that is woody and subtle. Sandalwood oil has powerful astringent properties that are believed to tone the skin as well as reduce wrinkles and fine lines. Additionally, it is very calming and is often used to induce good sleep.


Coriander is a sweet and warm essential oil that comes from the Cilantro plant. It has both soothing and relaxing effects, making it an ideal massage oil. Coriander is also known to promote healthy circulatory and digestive systems and is believed to help relieve cramps.

Final Thoughts

If you’re looking for the best essential oils for massage, try any of the wonderful oils above – you’re sure to reap their many benefits for the mind and body, particularly deep relaxation and tension relief. You won’t go to the spa without them from here on out!