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Wondering how to do a self-massage at home? We all know the wonderful mind and body benefits of massage therapy. These include better blood circulation, tension relief, and reduced stress, among others. However, it’s not all the time that you can visit the spa and get a relaxing massage.

Fortunately, you have your very own massage therapist with you at all times – your hands! A daily self-massage is a great way to combat the minor aches, pains, and stresses that come with daily life. It’s also a nice way to show your body the love and care it deserves when you’re at home.

In this article, let’s explore the art of self-massage and the simple massage techniques you can do right at home. We’ll show you how to release tension from head to foot within seconds, plus quick self-massage tips you can follow.

Simple Ways To Do Self-Massage At Home

Touch, in the form of a massage, even if you do it yourself, can do so much to ease mental, physical, and emotional stress. A study from the University of Miami found that a brief self-massage at work had positive effects on stress-relief and job performance. A number of workers who participated in the study said that after just 15 minutes of self-massage while at work said that they felt more alert. They could even complete math problems much faster and with more accuracy!


You, too, can reap the amazing benefits of touch. Try these self-massage techniques at home:


Have a headache? Try this easy technique before you take some pain medication.

Put both thumbs high on your cheekbones, right by your ears. Apply gentle pressure on your temples, moving in circular motion. Keep doing this while moving your fingertips along your hairline until they meet in the middle of your forehead.


Plenty of tension can build up on your neck, especially when you sit at a desk for work for an average 8 hours a day. Release some tension from your neck by doing this simple self-massage trick.

First, straighten your back and lower your shoulders to keep your neck stretched. Place your index and middle finger on the back of your neck, right where it meets your shoulders. Start by applying light pressure, increasing to what feels comfortable for you. Then glide your fingers up and down to the base of your scalp a few times. Lastly, roll your shoulders forward and backwards to feel instant relief.


The shoulders are where most of your stress is. Ease tension and keep your shoulders relaxed by doing this.

Stretch out your neck by dropping your shoulders and tucking your chin to your chest. Put one hand on the opposite shoulder and begin to gently knead the muscle, moving down from the top of your shoulder and back up the side of your neck. Repeat on the other side.


There’s nothing better than a good ‘ol foot massage after a long day, even if you do it yourself. You’ll need a massage or tennis ball for this simple self-massage technique. 

Begin by sitting down on a comfortable chair. Place the ball under your bare foot then roll the ball from toe to heel and back. Start with light pressure and increase as needed. Roll the ball in small circles if you feel a knot on your foot.

Quick Self-Massage Tips

Aside from the head, neck, shoulders, and feet where most of your stress and tension accumulate, there are other simple self-massage practices you can try on other parts of your body. These simple techniques will not only help alleviate discomfort and improve circulation, but they will also make you feel good instantly!

Thump Your Body Every Morning

Start your day with energy by doing some self-massage. Do some gentle stretches upon waking up. Then, gently thump your arms and legs using your fists, working from top to bottom. Move to your torso next, again thumping from bottom to top. This will help wake your mind and body and prepare them for the day ahead. 

This technique also helps strengthen the body, stimulate blood circulation, and relax nerve endings when done regularly. You can also practice this technique before bed – it will help calm down the mind and release tension from the day.

Self-Massage Before and After A Workout

Getting your body in condition before a workout session is important. A quick self-massage before stretching will bring blood flow to your arm and leg muscles, and doing so after a workout will help with quicker muscle recovery. Before your exercise session, use a pummeling motion with your fists to your arms and legs. After the session, use your palm or fist to  rub along your muscles, moving in an upwards motion.

Rub Your Belly After A Meal

Many of us do this subconsciously, especially when we’re full. But did you know that rubbing your belly after every meal has some benefits? Just place your palms on your abdomen and rub in clockwise circles. This technique will help stimulate digestion, as this is the same direction that food naturally moves through your intestine.

Do A Daily Hand Massage

To do a hand massage, clasp your fingers together and start massaging the area below your left thumb with your right thumb, moving in a circular motion. Repeat with the other hand. Then, release your fingers and gently knead your palms, wrists, and the space between your fingers using your thumb and index fingers. 

Wrapping Up

Now that you know how to do a self-massage at home, you can help your body recover from the stress and tension that daily life brings. Of course, it’s still best to follow these up with regular massage sessions at your favorite spa!