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In an age when everyone is big on skin care, self-care, and wellness, hand care often gets overlooked. Your hands require an equal amount of care and attention because they are often involved in every other task that you do. On top of that, your hands are continuously exposed to harsh elements, constant washing, and frequent use.

It’s easy to overlook hand care, but taking simple steps can make a big difference in keeping them soft, smooth, and healthy. Whether you’re dealing with dryness, rough patches, or just want to maintain a youthful appearance, these hand care tips will help you achieve smoother, healthier hands that feel as good as they look.

Why Is Hand Care Important?

Your hands are just as important as any part of your body so proper hand and nail care is a must. It’s important for a variety of reasons, including the following:

  • Hygiene: Clean, well-maintained hands reduce the risk of infections, especially when the skin is regularly exfoliated and moisturized.
  • Protection: Your hands are constantly exposed to harsh elements like UV rays, cold weather, and chemicals, leading to dryness, cracking, and premature aging. Constant care will prevent these effects.
  • Signs of aging: Speaking of aging, like skin, hands can show early signs of aging if not cared for properly, so a proper and regular hand care routine is a must.
  • Daily use: Healthy hands are crucial for performing everyday tasks without any pain or discomfort.
  • Self-care: If you follow a daily self-care and skin care routine, know that hand care should be a part of it. Hand care is such a minimal maintenance task and besides, tending to your hands can be such a therapeutic experience.
  • Confidence boost: We often start with a smile and a brief handshake whenever we meet someone, be it in a professional or social setting. First impressions last, and having soft, supple, well-groomed hands portray good hygiene and self-care. 

8 Hand Care Tips To Try At Home

With minimal effort, you can maintain smooth, healthy, and youthful-looking hands. Follow these simple hand care tips below.


Wash and Clean

Plenty of infectious diseases as well as viral or bacterial infections can be transmitted through the hands. It’s important to make sure that your hands are always clean – make it a habit to wash your hands thoroughly with an antibacterial soap 6 to 10 times a day to help keep bacteria and viruses at bay.

Mayo Clinic recommends washing your hands for at least 20 seconds, scrubbing all surfaces, including the backs of your hands, wrists, between your fingers and under your fingernails.


Frequent hand washing and over-sanitizing can quickly dry out your hands, so it’s important to keep them moisturized. Just like how you moisturize your face and body, you want your hands hydrated, especially that the skin on your hands is thinner compared to the rest of your body.

Make it a habit to moisturize your hands using a nourishing hand cream or lotion, preferably one that contains ingredients like glycerin, jojoba oil, or shea butter to help lock in the moisture. Apply cream after each hand wash and right before you sleep at night.

Don’t forget your cuticles! Rough and dry cuticles are a result of dry, cracked skin and are a pain to deal with, so make sure to nourish your cuticles with good quality cuticle oils and creams regularly.


Exfoliate your hands at least once a week to get rid of dead skin cells. As a result, you’ll get softer and smoother hands. You can purchase a store-bought hand scrub or make your own using sugar, olive oil, lime juice, and other wholesome ingredients. Don’t forget to follow up with a moisturizer after exfoliating your hands!

Protect from UV Rays and Heat

Many of us don’t go out in the sun without applying sunscreen on our face, and the same should be done with our hands, especially if you spend a lot of time outdoors. UV exposure can lead to skin damage and visible signs of aging like dark spots, fine lines, and wrinkles. Apply a broad-spectrum SPF lotion 15 minutes before you go out. Make sure to get both sides of your hands, and remember to reapply every few hours, no matter the weather.

Additionally, super-hot water can strip your skin of essential moisture. So while a long, hot bath is a must for relaxation, opt to use lukewarm water for showers and baths instead to avoid drying your hands out. The same goes when you’re washing your hands.


You know that massages benefit different parts of the body in many ways, and the hands are no exception. According to a study published by PubMed, regular massages not only help improve the appearance of hands but also provide numerous health benefits like pain relief, improved blood circulation, reduced feelings of anxiety and stress, enhanced grip strength, instant mood lift, and better sleep quality.

While it’s ideal to go to a trusted massage spa regularly, you can also do self-massage on your hands. Make sure to use a moisturizing hand cream and work your way around your palms, knuckles, fingers, and wrists.


Getting a manicure regularly ensures that your hands are always clean and tidy. It also helps treat your cuticles and enhance nail growth. Besides, you need that time to relax and de-stress even for a little while. Experts recommend getting a manicure and pedicure every 2 to 3 weeks.


It’s also important to keep your hands protected even when you’re at home. Wear gloves when doing basic household chores such as cleaning the bathroom or washing dishes. This safeguards your hands from chemical agents in the cleaning products that may damage your skin. The dirt can also settle on your nail beds that may cause infection. 

Also, be mindful of the household cleaners that you use – opt for gentle and non-drying formulas to prevent damage and negative reaction to the skin on your hands.


Last but not the least, pamper your hands! Lather a good amount of your favorite hand cream or essential oil on your hands and massage the tension away. Do this every night before bed – you can even wear gloves as you sleep to keep all the moisture in.

Alternatively, you can go for a weekly hydrating hand mask or a warm oil soak to revitalize your hands.

In A Nutshell

Now you know how to take care of your hands, it’s the perfect time to build a proper hand care routine and include it in your daily life. This way, you can make sure that you have healthy, baby-soft skin.