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There are many surprising ways to boost your immune system. Maintaining a strong immune system is key to staying healthy and resilient against diseases and illnesses. While proper nutrition, exercise, sleep, and stress relief are the usual recommendations, there are some lesser-known habits that can also give your immunity a surprising boost.

In this article, let’s explore some unexpected but effective ways to enhance your body’s natural defenses and keep yourself feeling your best year-round.

How To Boost Immune System Naturally

From simple lifestyle adjustments and wellness tips to unique food recommendations, try these surprising ways to boost your immune system naturally.

Smell Your Food Before Eating

Do you know anyone who has a habit of smelling their food before taking a bite? Well, they know better! Smelling your food before eating may seem like a quirky habit, but it can actually have immune-boosting benefits. The smell of food stimulates the production of saliva and digestive enzymes, preparing your body to effectively break down nutrients.

Dietitian and nutrition therapist Kim Shapira says “One thing that I strongly recommend is that you smell your food before you start eating it. If you are eating and you’re not getting that saliva, you’re missing out on valuable digestive enzymes, and you’re not going to be able to get all the nutrition from the foods you’re eating.”

In addition, smelling your food helps enhance your connection with the food you’re about to eat, promoting mindful eating and better digestion, which are crucial for overall health and immunity.

Drink Matcha Tea

If you love going to cafes and coffee shops, chances are you’ve already heard about the matcha trend. Matcha is a type of green tea that originates from Japan. Unlike regular green tea, where leaves are steeped and discarded, matcha is made from whole tea leaves that are finely ground into a vibrant green powder. Can you believe that it has 137 times the antioxidants of regular green tea? 

Matcha tea is considered a superior antioxidant and can help strengthen the immune system. It is also a powerful detoxifier and energy booster. So instead of your morning cup of coffee, try starting your day with a warm cup of matcha. Enjoy it as is, with milk, or add to your smoothies.

Indulge In Some Dark Chocolate

Speaking of delicious treats, dark chocolate is another delicious way to boost your immune system. Dark chocolate contains less additives and more cocoa than any other type of chocolate, making it a healthier option. 

It is an excellent source of antioxidants, flavonoids, magnesium, zinc, and other nutrients, all of which are essential for a healthy immune response. So the next time you’re craving dessert, go for dark chocolate – just be sure to choose one with at least 70% cacao for the most positive effects.

Chew Your Food Longer Than Necessary

We’re all used to a fast-paced life where we often gobble up our meals in a hurry. Well, mindful eating has positive effects on our immune system, particularly chewing your food longer than necessary. It may sound weird, but science backs it up.

“Another important thing I highly recommend is to chew your food longer than you think necessary,” Shapira says. “Our teeth are our first form of mechanical digestion. It’s how we break down the food and the fiber in the food so we can get the nutrition from inside. If you don’t chew your food long enough, you’re actually missing out on all the nutrition inside of the food”

Thorough chewing breaks down food more effectively, aiding digestion and allowing your body to absorb more nutrients that support immune health. Additionally, the act of chewing stimulates saliva production, which contains enzymes and antibodies that help protect against harmful bacteria and viruses. Slowing down and chewing your food properly also promotes mindful eating, reducing stress—a key factor in maintaining a strong immune system.

Get Your Groove On

Engaging in intercourse with your loved one doesn’t just make you feel good – it’s also good for you and your immune system. According to the National Library of Medicine, as one’s sexual activity increases, the immunity status becomes more competent to deal with pathogens, and this explains lower incidence of disease among those who make love 3 times a month in comparison to those who do less than 3 times a month.

This is because sexual activity has been linked to increased levels of immunoglobulin, an antibody that helps protect against infections. Making love also reduces stress and improves overall mood, which supports a stronger immune response.

Play With Your Pets

Our pets, particularly dogs, aren’t called man’s best friend for nothing. Interaction with pets has been shown to reduce anxiety and stress, leading to lower levels of cortisol, the stress hormone. Additionally, the companionship and joy provided by pets can enhance mood and promote overall well-being, which supports a healthier immune system.

Not to mention that they keep us moving! They give us a reason to exercise and get our body moving, whether it’s a walk in the park or playing fetch in the backyard. Pet owners are known to have lower blood pressure, cholesterol levels, and healthier hearts. Engaging in regular playtime with your pets is a fun and effective way to boost your immunity.

Wrapping Up

You probably already know how to boost your immune system naturally. This includes eating healthy, exercising, sleeping early, and engaging in wellness activities like getting regular massages to relieve stress. But now you also know the various surprising ways to boost your immune system, you can try these unusual methods to help you keep healthy physically, mentally, and emotionally all year long.