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Having a healthy morning routine is important for your overall health. Have you ever noticed that the simple act of snoozing your alarm over and over or checking your phone notifications first thing can derail your whole morning? 

Waking up late or spending time on your phone before getting up leaves you little time for other important things like eating breakfast, getting dressed, or planning the day. It’s not ideal to feel rushed and overwhelmed before your day even starts. And long before the week is over, you’re already burned out.

This is why morning habits are essential. Having a solid routine to follow every morning helps you achieve more, think more clearly, and do things that actually matter. How you start your day greatly impacts how the rest of your day will turn out. In this blog post, let’s explore the best morning habits you can do in your daily life for happier, more productive days.

Best Morning Habits For A Happy, Productive Day

A healthy morning routine isn’t just a set of daily habits; they’re part of a deliberate practice that sets the tone for your entire day. Include these morning habits to your morning routine and you’re guaranteed to feel its positive effects right away!

Wake Up Early But Slowly

Experts say that waking up at least 90 minutes before you need to leave for work gives you sufficient time to wake up slowly and go through the rest of your routine without feeling hurried. 

Waking up early but slowly allows your body to transition smoothly from rest to wakefulness, reducing the stress of rushing into your day. It gives you time to stretch, breathe, and mentally prepare for what’s ahead, creating a calmer, more intentional start. This mindful approach to waking up can improve your mood and set a positive tone for the day.

Research also found that early risers enjoy many benefits which include increased productivity, improved energy, and greater creativity.  Morning-type individuals also reported higher levels of positivity and well-being.

Make Your Bed

Making your bed may seem like a small thing, but it’s one of the best ways to start your day right. Not only does it help make your space and mind less cluttered, but it also encourages good sleep hygiene. There’s nothing better than coming home to a freshly-made bed at the end of the day, after all.

In the words of retired Navy admiral William H. McRaven, “If you make your bed every morning, you will have accomplished the first task of the day. It will give you a small sense of pride, and it will encourage you to do another task and another and another. And by the end of the day, that one task completed will have turned into many tasks completed.”

Eat A Good Breakfast

This is a no-brainer, but eating a hearty, nutritious breakfast is a must every morning. It provides us with the energy we need throughout the day. 

“I really value eating something in the morning, otherwise I feel unfocused, lethargic and unpleasantly hungry. Food provides my body with energy, and eating consistently throughout the day is an important form of self-care for me. Taking time to eat breakfast (even if it’s quick or on the go!) is something I treat as a non-negotiable,” says certified intuitive eating counselor Kathleen Meehan.

It’s super important to hydrate in the morning after a good night’s sleep, too, as our body has lost fluids through sweat and respiration during sleep. Make sure to drink a tall glass of water first thing, and continue hydrating throughout the day.

Disconnect From Your Phone

Whether we admit it or not, our phones hold many potential stressors, from unanswered work emails to unrealistic social media expectations. You don’t need a flood of stimulation, especially so early in the morning. 

Make it a habit not to check your phone first thing after waking up. Otherwise, you might feel stressed or overwhelmed even before your day begins. Instead, allow yourself a few moments of peace to start the day on your terms, helping to set a calmer, more focused tone for the rest of the day.

Squeeze In A Quick Workout

A quick morning workout can help boost energy levels, jumpstart your metabolism, and improve mental clarity for the day ahead. It also helps keep you in a good mood, setting a positive and productive tone for the rest of the day.

And no, you don’t have to go to the gym every morning to reap these benefits. Some light stretching, a brisk walk in your neighborhood,  a seven-minute workout, or a quick yoga session are good options to get in some movement during your morning routine.

Take A Cold Shower

While a warm bath is indeed relaxing, reserve that for the end of the day. Instead, take a cold shower in the morning! Taking a cold shower in the morning can increase alertness, improve circulation, and boost energy levels. It also stimulates the release of endorphins, helping to enhance mood and reduce stress for a more focused start to the day.

Wendy Suzuki, an American neuroscientist, NYU professor, and author says that she takes cold showers every morning because it makes her “feel so alive.” Kenneth Kishida, a neuroscientist and associate professor at Wake Forest School of Medicine, also takes a cold shower in the morning and says he always comes out in higher spirits after.

Practice Mindfulness

Mindfulness is being fully present and aware of where we are and what we’re doing. It is an age-old practice of intentionally bringing our attention to the present moment without judgment, acknowledging every thought, feeling, and sensation.

There are various ways you can include mindfulness to your morning routine. Meditating, writing in your journal, reciting affirmations, or doing quick breathing exercises are all ideal options to start your day.

Set The Day’s Goals And Intentions

Planning your day is great for productivity and takes almost no time to do. Quickly write down your goals and intentions for the day, as taking time in the morning to plan your day and prioritize tasks can boost your focus and set you up to be more productive.

Greg McKeown, writes in his book Essentialism “When we don’t purposely and deliberately choose where to focus our energies and time, other people—our bosses, our colleagues, our clients, and even our families—will choose for us, and before long we’ll have lost sight of everything that is meaningful and important.”

In A Nutshell

It might seem a lot to fit in one morning, but it gets easier once you’ve established a solid routine. Healthy morning habits equal a healthy morning routine, so it’s ideal to work on each habit first until you’re used to them.

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