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Learning how to boost oxytocin naturally can do so much for your overall well-being. Oxytocin, often referred to as the “love hormone” or “bonding hormone,” is a brain neurotransmitter that plays a significant role in influencing our wellness and happiness. It impacts our behavior and physiology, promotes social connection, and helps strengthen the bond and trust in our relationships.

In this blog post, let’s talk about oxytocin, its importance, and the various ways to boost oxytocin the natural way!

What Is Oxytocin?

In simple terms, oxytocin is a natural hormone that manages key aspects of both male and female reproductive systems, as well as some aspects of human behavior including love, childbirth, sexual reproduction, and social bonding. Its release is typically triggered by physical touch and positive social interactions.

It is known to bring about feelings of connection, empathy, and trust. Low oxytocin levels has been associated with a range of emotional and social difficulties, including low mood and increased anxiety, depression, and social isolation. It can also contribute to problems with forming and maintaining relationships, as well as a reduced ability to experience empathy and trust in others. Additionally, low oxytocin levels have been linked to certain conditions such as autism spectrum disorder and postpartum depression.

Together with other “happy hormones” serotonin, dopamine, and endorphins, oxytocin helps enhance our ability to experience pleasure, reduce stress, and foster positive social connections, which contributes to our overall mental and emotional health.

How To Boost Oxytocin Naturally

Fortunately, there are many ways to boost oxytocin naturally. From doing good deeds to eating healthy meals, a few simple changes in your lifestyle can help make sure that you release healthy levels of oxytocin.


1 – Get A Massage

We all know that getting a massage can make you feel relaxed, revitalized, and balanced. But its therapeutic benefits don’t stop there – massage therapy has also been proven to increase oxytocin levels. A 2012 study confirmed this, as researchers found evidence that even 15 minutes of massage can boost oxytocin levels, both for the persons giving and receiving the massage.

Make massages a part of your regular self-care routine. Not only will they instantly enhance your mood or temporarily relieve aches and pains, but they also help improve your physical, mental, and emotional well-being.

2 – Listen To Music

Listening to music is one of the easiest ways to naturally release oxytocin. The main reason why we listen to music is because we enjoy it and it relaxes us. Listening to our favorite tunes also improves our mood and enhances our focus and motivation. In a social setting, it helps create and strengthen connections.

But not only that, singing and making music yourself can also boost oxytocin levels. According to a study of 16 singers, there was a boost in their oxytocin levels after their singing lesson, on top of feeling more relaxed and energized.

3 – Do A Good Deed

Have you ever done something for someone and it made you feel good? That’s because altruistic or selfless behaviors promote the release of oxytocin. When you do a random act of kindness, it makes someone happy, which can make you feel happy, too.

So from here on out, try to live life generously. It doesn’t have to be something grand – it could be as simple as offering to help a neighbor with a chore, surprising a friend with a simple treat, or donating a few dollars to charity. 

4 – Give Gifts

Another simple act that can lift your spirits is by brightening someone’s day with a simple gift. The act of gift-giving, whether it’s a simple note, their favorite snack, or movie tickets, encourages the release of oxytocin. Similar to doing good deeds, giving gifts promotes positive feelings in you, so make giving small gifts and extending kindness an everyday habit.

5 – Engage In Physical Contact

Sexual intimacy not only helps you feel closer and more connected to your partner, but it’s also another surefire way to raise your oxytocin levels. The best part? Both you and your partner get this oxytocin boost. However, other forms of physical contact like cuddling, hugging, or holding hands still stimulate oxytocin release and keep you in a good mood.

6 – Practice Yoga Or Meditation

Mindfulness practices such as yoga and meditation have plenty of mind and body benefits. Less anxiety and stress, good quality sleep, and improved quality of life are among these benefits, and it’s not surprising that these wellness practices may also help increase oxytocin production. 

7 – Spend Time With Friends and Loved Ones

Being around people you love does so much for your emotional well-being. Whether it’s hanging out with your friends or spending quality time with your family, the proximity to others and the good feelings you experience trigger the release of not only oxytocin, but adrenaline, noradrenaline, and serotonin as well. These hormones are responsible for feelings of happiness and well-being.

8 – Adopt A Pet

It’s not just spending time with people that can stimulate oxytocin release, you get the same effect when you’re around pets, too! Research found that love hormones are released in response to interaction between humans and animals. 

The presence of pets or the act of patting, playing, or spending time with your pet not only reduces the levels of the stress hormone cortisol, but also increases the levels of oxytocin, dopamine, and serotonin in the body. Adopt a pet if you don’t have one, and if you do, allot some time each day for some quality time together for both you and your pet’s well-being.

9 – Do Volunteer Work

As mentioned above, we are rewarded with feel-good oxytocin when we do acts of kindness and selflessness. Prosocial behaviors like doing volunteer work  is associated with greater life satisfaction. When you can, volunteer for a clean-up drive, an animal shelter, a retirement home, or mentor children. Not only are you helping others, but you’re helping yourself, too.

10 – Eat Healthy

It goes to say that physical, mental, and emotional wellness begins at home. Choosing to eat balanced, nutritious meals and leading a healthy lifestyle helps the body increase its natural production of oxytocin and other feel-good hormones. 

In A Nutshell

Now that you know the different ways to boost oxytocin naturally, it’s time to put them into practice. These simple changes in your lifestyle and perspective can have a profound impact on your happiness and overall well-being, helping you build stronger connections and experience more joy in your daily life.